Friday, March 14, 2014

Theme and Author's Purpose

The Theme of this story ties into themes such as for Little Red Riding Hood. The story gives many different examples of things that could be learned from, for example it gives a sense of cannibalism with the eat and be eaten aspect of the story. It also gives the sense of trespassing with the two entering places that are not theirs and traveling places without the guidance of their parents and taking it upon themselves


In some of the movies they have created replaying this story they have portrayed Hansel and Gretel as adults and not as the children they are in the story. Hansel and Gretel have been portrayed in many different scenarios and some completely different in the case of staying along with the original story.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Structure and use of Point of View

the story was written in 3rd person omniscient, and shows this by giving insight to what the characters are thinking and feeling, without giving indication of being part of the story. it is also demonstrated through the authors giving exclusive detail to things that the children wouldn't be able to understand about.

literary Devices

One of the literary devices in this story is a exaggeration. the exaggeration in this story would be that there was a duck, a duck big enough to carry Hansel and Gretel across a large lake/river. Although its not specific on how large the duck is, it is assumable that the duck is quite large, especially if its big enough to carry two small children.

Tone and Diction

"It had cut him to the heart to leave them behind alone." It is easy to tell that the tone of this quote is very critical because of the words to describe the pain he felt, it paints a clear picture that he was in pain. The words the author used may have been used because they influence thoughts to imagine the pain of suffering a cut that deep, or even to have a cut near your heart, to feel the pain without not having any physical damage.